New Moon Monthly Practice

Our first New Moon of the New Year arrives this week, on Tuesday the 12 here in Los Angeles, and after a really wild, high energy kick off to 2021 last week- we all need this moment of reflection and care.

I was first introduced to moon cycle intention setting or moon cycle manifesting about 5 years ago- it was something I initially practiced sporadically and with out much thought- and even then, I would have recommended it. Having awareness of the moon cycles, and points each month where you practice a routine or ritual brings such a beautiful rhythm to life. Last year, the gift of time and sprawling openness of our schedule was very conducive to taking a deeper dive into some of our regular habits and learning more about the moon cycle was one of those.


When the moon is new, it’s a time of introspection, looking within, and connecting with our truest self. It’s a time to think about what we really want - for the greater good. What brings us the most joy? It’s the perfect once-a-month-reminder to nurture yourself, love yourself, and celebrate yourself. Shift your focus to the things you are most grateful for in life at the New Moon- be more mindful of noticing the little things you appreciate through out the day (about yourself, about others, about your surroundings…etc). This will create a powerful shift in your energy! We are starting a new year with more trepidation than usual, so this first New Moon is a great time to baby-step into a New Moon Self Care ritual!

If you’d like to start a Moon Cycle Practice this year, note the dates for all New Moons of 2021:

New Moons 2021.png

As far back as we can trace, humans were aware of and relied on the moon- it’s how we figured out migration patterns of animals for hunting and re-locating, seasons for planting and harvesting and really how time passes. As we grew and discovered and invented, the need to rely on moon cycles for so much diminished, but living in synch with the rhythm of the moon is really an amazing way to live your most aligned life.

As we enter this new year after such an interesting year just passed, I created this post to write a little more about my personal moon-mama monthly New Moon ritual. The New Moon = self care and reflection, which is wonderful to do as a family, but also very helpful to have a personal, solo practice as well. The best thing about your moon practice or ritual- is there are NO RULES! Do what works for you! I suggest starting simple and adding more to it when it feels right.

Here is my New Moon Practice:

  • CLEAR THE ENERGY- All of it. Your personal energy (physical and spiritual) and the energy in your home/bedroom/space you will be practicing the other elements of your New Moon celebration. For personal cleansing I recommend an Epsom salt and oil bath- add 2/3-1 cup salt. 1 teaspoon coconut oil and 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil -if you aren’t sure what your favorite EOs are, I recommend lavender to start because it’s super relaxing, but go with what you like! Soak quietly or listening to your favorite uplifting or relaxing music for 15-30 minutes. Believe me, a 5 minute shower with no one busting in to ask you to make a snack works well too, so be flexible and try a few different things! To cleanse your space- you can use Palo Santo, Epsom salt, sage, or sea salt (I prefer Palo Santo), open a window if possible, light a candle and say a prayer of gratitude for all unbalanced energy leaving and all the good harmonious energy staying to support you in your practice.

  • Do something JUST FOR YOU- 30 minutes of reading, watching a show you love, whatever works for you as an act of self-love that raises your vibration and makes you FEEL GOOD!!! It could be going for a walk, eating your favorite food, taking a super long-wash-your-hair shower (this is totally a thing over here).

  • Vocalize Appreciation for yourself and others- around the time of the New Moon, the few days before and after, it’s important to care for your energy and focus on what makes you feel your best- saying, out loud, the things you appreciate is an awesome way to get in alignment! You can read more about Abraham Hicks’ “Appreciation Game” HERE.

  • Meditate and/or Practice Awareness- If you don’t meditate regularly, this is the perfect time to start! This is very personal/individual so, be gentle with yourself and do this however it feels good- sit and observe how you feel right now in this moment- with out judgement- just observe, then think of the next best feeling thought you can think, take some deep breaths, thank your guides, surrender your trust to the universe. I recommend the CALM app and Insight Timer app or just looking up a guided meditation recording if you want to try that! You can create a mantra or use this one: “I trust in the guidance of the universe, I surrender to the flow of the highest possible vibration” .

  • Set Intentions & Journal- This is the time each month to plant the seeds that you want to see flourish! For centuries, farmers have planted seeds at the new moon because they germinate faster- it’s still a practice today! Same goes for your ideas, intentions and dreams!!! I like keeping a moon journal, and highly recommend THIS ONE if you are looking to start and maintain a consistent practice! It’s so good to have it all in one place!!

  • Best Life Activity- this is fun for all ages, it’s an exercise or game we love to do at the New Moon! All you have to do is to think about what the perfect day looks like and write it out, my youngest combines words and drawings when we do this and you could even do it together with pre-writers drawing or even having them tell you and you write it in their exact words (promise you’ll treasure those forever!)

This first New Moon of the year is in Capricorn- the sign of living your greatness, of ambition, and emotional dexterity. It’s a prime time to consider how you want to shine your light brighter for the universe this year, the seeds you plant by setting intentions at the New Moon will grow in beautiful ways. This New Moon is associated with what you do for work- it could be time for an upgrade either within what you are currently doing, or outside of it. What is your ultimate intention with the work you do?


Celebrating Imbolc


My 3 Words for 2021